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Gallery Wall for eCommerce Website

Gallery Wall for eCommerce Website? Get Artsy with Grid-Based Web Layouts

Grid-Based layouts are becoming a key feature in contemporary website designs, wherein several horizontal and vertical margins are used to define segregated blocks of “grids” or columns that create a clean and organised look and appear a lot like Gallery Walls.

While most online businesses are choosing this style for their website, eCommerce websites can particularly benefit from it, because webshops cater to the most widespread audience, and have a growing catalogue of products than any other online business. For such an application, the grid-based designs can impart a kind of cohesiveness and uniformity through content placement, user interface and ease of navigation that can be more functional, be extremely impactful for all kinds of audiences, and increase footfalls and user activity.

Plus Promotions, as a leading web development company in Cork and Dublin, brings valuable insight about how to make your eCommerce Website more engaging by recreating the Gallery Wall appearance right at the front of your homepage.

Make an Impression, Without Making Much of a Sound 

Customers are smarter nowadays, and they are not amused by the jargon of content, they are impacted by the genuineness of information. 

This is the age of minimalism and a good time to shift bases from quantity to quality.

The idea of grids came from print ads, like that in newspapers and magazines, and website developers in Ireland recreate the visuals for the web using technologies like CSS, HTML and Java. To the core, the formation is to simplify complex website layouts and turn them into dynamic, responsive User Interfaces. Nothing has to be compromised in terms of design, when everything, from the promotional banners to the call-to-actions can all have separate enclosures, and at the same time have reduced visual clutter.

Today, it is quite the time for highly adaptive websites, so that even if someone does not install separate apps, the framework of the website must be able to adapt to diverse devices and screen sizes. Most app development companies use a CSS layout model together with CSS media queries to form a two-dimensional grid outline that is capable of collaboratively forming the base of a fully responsive web framework, which is ideal for the multi-disciplinary use of a Webshop.

Floating Elements 

With a conglomeration of JavaScript coding, tables, and calculated use of floated elements, our mobile app development company discovered elementary concepts that can demonstrate excellent user experiences for a website that is designed to accommodate a growing product catalogue and an increasing number of customers.

A Conceptual Detour 

What bridges the gaps between the designer’s and developers perspectives is the ‘framework’. And the grid-based layouts are capable of meshing the two up brilliantly and can speed up the design to development transition on the whole, as both parties work with the common pre-set classes that prevent altercations between the design perspective and the end product.  Both look the same, and when it comes to presenting to the client, they get the exact thing, as the mockup that they finalised.

How it is Achieved and Things to Consider 

Fundamentally, there can be 4 types of layout styles for a grid-based website -

The simplest of all, a Single Column Grid, which looks a lot like a rectangular block, much like a manuscript. You may classify textual spaces, image, advertisements, call to actions all inside one major grid. Such a layout is ideal for contemporary webshop solutions and radically minimal design concepts.

Second in line is the Vertical Multi-Column Grid layouts, which feature slim and tall strips, much like in newspapers. You ideally have the most uniformed look with this one, a lot like Pinterest style interfaces, wherein all or most of the blocks come in equal diameters. This is particularly significant for product displaying in Webshops.

Modular Layouts are perhaps the most popular nowadays. You may see it as a different version of the multicolumn grids, for the only difference is that you have the flexibility to customise the grids as and how you like it, in terms of diameter. But the only thing that must remain consistent is the equality of vertical and horizontal space.

A baseline grid is not really a design principle, but rather more an underlying structure, which signifies the vertical spacing in between the grids. Concentrating on the baseline grids brings proper alignment in complex design hierarchies.